Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Punishing Players

Phase Two of Bountygate should happen soon when sanctions are announced against players. They could range from a fine to suspension. The NFL Players Association is watching this very closely. They are caught in a precarious situation. They need to represent all of the league's players. It's a no-win situation for them.

They are demanding to see more of the investigative report. They claim that everything has happened through the media. The are right to a certain degree. The story has taken on its own life. Fans have never seen any reports or testimony. It's all about the allegations.

I'm sure the league wishes this would just go away. It hurts the image of the NFL. They sell the game based on violence. Everyone is ok with that until you start to here stories of players getting bonuses to hurt each other. It looks like things are out of control. The league doesn't like that.

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