Monday, May 7, 2012

A Big Decision

The family of Junior Seau is having second thoughts about donating his brain for study. Sources are citing Samoan funeral rituals of which Seau is a part of with his heritage.

On the other hand, I don't think his family wants his death to be used for all that is bad about the NFL. Why should he be the poster boy? He certainly is one of the game's biggest stars to die young, but his death is no more tragic than the long list of former players who met their demise way too young.

Eventually, Seau's death could be brought into some of the wrongful death suits brought against the NFL, as well as the civil law suits brought by  former players based on equipment and concussions.

Seau's death was very tragic, especially with the circumstances around it. Any former player who dies should get the same amount of attention and respect.

I really don't know the answer to the question of whether former NFL players die at a worse race than others. The number of  current and former NFL players is relatively small when compared to the nation's population.

In the end, I think there is something wrong in how the NFL game is being played. There are too many injuries, but I guess that's all part of the game.

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